If you are a gamer, you will be very much aware of a game on Steam called Only Up. In this game, you need to make it to the very top without falling and if you fall, you have to start all over again which may not seem like such a big issue but when you get playing the game, you realize just how frustrating the game is!
This game has now pretty much taken the gaming community by storm not just on the original Only Up game from steam but also with creators on Fortnite and also Roblox making their own versions of Only Up in these games.
Due to content creators and streamers not only playing the game and reaching the top, they have also been trying to speed run the game as well leading to YouTube videos being released from content creators of their best times or even their speed runs.
This has not only meant that the game on Steam, Only Up is getting a lot of attention but so are the modes in Fortnite and Roblox as well with gamers trying to complete it and also try and set a new record for completing the game as well.
If you are looking to play Only Up you can play it through the following means
Steam – https://store.steampowered.com/app/2381590/Only_Up/
Fortnite Creative Map Code – 4366-9611-6988 ~ This is also a UEFN Map so you will receive XP for playing this creative map.
Good luck and remember, the only way is UP!